• Reserve Reductions |
• Difficult to correlate to premium savings |
Reserve and Mod Reductions Achieved and Measured by:
• Obtain claim file documents |
We are committed to advocating for the rights of the insured. Once we have obtained the insured’s signed Letter of Authorization we have right to question reserves. We employ that right systematically to yield the best results possible, which, on average, will reduce reserves 30% over time.
Claims adjusters have overwhelming workloads. Claim resolution can take longer than necessary. Additionally, reserves are set for ultimate worker’s compensation settlement and do not reflect the current status of the claim for appropriate unit stat filing purposes. These factors and many more contribute to worker’s compensation total incurred losses typically overstated by 30% - affecting your client’s Mod and premium.
Our dedicated claims team has experience working with adjusters to bring reserves down to a fair amount for unit statistical plan filing. Twice a year we examine reserves and claim file documents to lower reserves. The times at which we question reserves are extremely strategic.
Annual Reserve Reviews:
1) Unit Stat Filing 2) Policy Renewal |
Claim Status Reports give detailed claim information including but not limited to:
Claim Status Reports are available to our clients online at
• • This means reserves are overstated for unit statistical plan filing purposes, which causes inflated experience modification averaging 27 points. Proof of this can be found in an independent state insurance department audit, performed over a five year period, using this system. • Statute law gives all employers the right to ask insurers at unit statistical plan filing to tie reserves to claim file documents, thereby preventing civil litigation for price fixing. • The system is web-based, which allows 24/7 real-time access to worker’s compensation claim file information. • Multiple reports are readily available to quantify the positive impact on experience modifiers. |